Monday, February 2, 2009

StoptheKillingLehighCounty: IDEAS FOR CHANGE

StoptheKillingLehighCounty: IDEAS FOR CHANGE

1 comment:

  1. Get PETA and other national organizations involved.

    Get enough documentation to present a case at a city and/or county meeting.

    Develop a group dedicated to adopting animals out of the shelter to foster in their homes until homes can be found. Have local fundraisers to help financially.

    Write to local media outlets like newspapers and tv and radio stations and tell their human interest and watchdog reporters about what you know.

    Too many people want to piss and moan on the internet but don't want to do anything that might require them to get off their asses and actually DO something.


Did he make it out alive?

Did he make it out alive?
doberman at LCHS