Okay, here's my take on it...
This is also posted on my website (onevoice4animals.com)
First, read Bill White's column, if you haven't already - it's one of his best on the disgrace of the Valley's shelter.
Next, let me know what you think about Virginia Wolfe's ( Lehigh Valley Animal Rights Coalition) refusal to help the animals at the shelter. She's a long, long-time buddy of the Fritch's.
Could just be my conspiracy tendencies but I think this should be investigated further.
During a conversation I once had with Wolfe, she commented how protesting and going to the media was not the right way to handle things. She thinks by bringing this atrocity to light, we are being radical and crazy. Has she been through the shelter lately? Has she seen the hundreds of animals being stabbed in the heart (method of killing called heartstick) while fully awake? (Oh, I'm wrong - if they run out of sedation drugs, they just paralzye the animal so he can't move... the animal can still feel the pain of being stabbed in the heart and dying but he just can't move)
Wolfe is very good friends with Bruce and Connie Fritch. Would her life-long friendship take a blow should she speak out against their practices? Why don't we ask her?
She can be reached at 610-821-9552.
Here's my two cents:
Bruce and Connie Fritch need to step down from the Lehigh County Humane Society.
The residents know it,
The county commissioners know it,
The employees at the shelter know it and deep down, in their little black hearts, the Fritch's themselves know it.
But apparently, they need help doing it.
That's where we come in.
The Lehigh County Humane Society has been a black eye to the Valley for long enough. A change in leadership is the only way to help the animals dying by the hundreds over there. How about they spend less money on body bags and more on adoption efforts.
Or perhaps the Fritch's long-time buddy, Virginia Wolfe, founder of the Lehigh V
alley Animal Rights Coalition, (LVARK) could do something besides have dinner over the Fritch's house and talk about how radical all the people are who want to stop them from killing animals.
Hey, Virginia, how could you allow your friendship with the Fritch's keep you from helping the thousands of healthy, adoptable animals from being killed each year over on Dixon Street? How could you say that the 'mission ' of the Lehigh Valley Animal Rights Coalition (LVARK) doesn't include companion animals in your cause - yet on your own website, it clearly states otherwise. Here's a blurb from her site:
"The mission of LVARK is to "educate the public on the misuse and abuse of animals whenever and wherever it occurs" through direct action, public outreach and letter-writing campaigns." (maybe you should rewrite this to reflect the truth that 'wherever it occurs' excludes action taken on animal abuse or misuse by Wolfe's friends)
You, Virginia, are supposed to represent the voiceless of the Valley. And yet you choose to speak for the Fritch's instead. You choose to speak for the self-serving interests of their animal shelter 'business' instead of the animals.
You, Virginia should be representing the animals' interests, not the Fritch's.
(I've heard, 'who's afraid of virginia wolfe....' but could wolfe be afraid of bruce fritch?)
Please read Morning Call columnist Bill White's latest article on the shelter and the recent County Commissioners decision to stop funding this already million dollar business they call 'humane society."
Here's the link:
Oh yea, if anyone wants to reach Virgina Wolfe, of LVARK, please contact her at 610-821-9552
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Lehigh County Commissioners are meeting and everyone is urged to attend. The animals need us to be their voice.
When: May 13th
Time: 7:30 PM
Where: The Meeting Room, 17 S. 7th St. Allentown.
This is the time to tell your story to people who can do something....
This is a great chance to make a difference for the animals. We may not have another chance like this one. The animals need us to speak for them. Please attend the meeting, even if you don't speak - the energy and presence of caring people will be a strong message to the Commissioners that changes need to be made and that people are angry.
Letters and phone calls are important.
The Commissioners need to know what you have to say.
Commissioner contact info:
Time: 7:30 PM
Where: The Meeting Room, 17 S. 7th St. Allentown.
This is the time to tell your story to people who can do something....
This is a great chance to make a difference for the animals. We may not have another chance like this one. The animals need us to speak for them. Please attend the meeting, even if you don't speak - the energy and presence of caring people will be a strong message to the Commissioners that changes need to be made and that people are angry.
Letters and phone calls are important.
The Commissioners need to know what you have to say.
Commissioner contact info:
Lehigh Co. Commisssioners: 610-782-3050 Fax: 610-820-3053
E Mails: Chairman: percydougherty@lehighcounty.org,
andyroman@lehighcounty.org, gloriahamm@lehighcaounty.org,
billleiner@lehighcounty.org, deanbrowning@lehighcounty.org, sterlingraber@lehgihcounty.org, davidjones@lehighcounty.org, danielmccarthy@lehighcounty.org, gleneckhart@lehighcounty.org
Please write letters to the commissioners - it's crucial to let them know we are fed up with taxpayer money being given to this shelter for killing animals.
The commissioners have the power to keep public funds from the shelter. We want a new board of directors - an active, caring board - and specifically, the Fritch's need to step down.
Caring and new leadership can transform this shelter into the sanctuary for Lehigh County's homeless animals that it should be.
The time is now for us to speak up.
andyroman@lehighcounty.org, gloriahamm@lehighcaounty.org,
billleiner@lehighcounty.org, deanbrowning@lehighcounty.org, sterlingraber@lehgihcounty.org, davidjones@lehighcounty.org, danielmccarthy@lehighcounty.org, gleneckhart@lehighcounty.org
Please write letters to the commissioners - it's crucial to let them know we are fed up with taxpayer money being given to this shelter for killing animals.
The commissioners have the power to keep public funds from the shelter. We want a new board of directors - an active, caring board - and specifically, the Fritch's need to step down.
Caring and new leadership can transform this shelter into the sanctuary for Lehigh County's homeless animals that it should be.
The time is now for us to speak up.
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Did he make it out alive?

doberman at LCHS